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Health Office Information


The principal role of the school nurse is to support student learning by promoting student and staff health and safety.  The nurses accomplish this by caring for the sick and injured, administering medications, reviewing all immunization records, and performing annual screenings.  The nurses also conduct educational programs for staff, teach health education as needed, and are a health education resource.  The nurses also work closely with the Child Study Team, the 504 team and the guidance department. 
Illness:  If your child is ill, please keep them home until they are feeling better. Students must be fever free (<100.4) for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. Students must also be free of vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
Attendance:  Please log in to Genesis and report your child absent, reason for absence may be indicated in the comment section. If your child will be late to school, please log in an absence on Genesis. When your child arrives at school the absence will be changed to tardy.
Medications:  All students must have written permission by the physician/health care provider and a parent in order to receive medications in school.  Medication forms must be kept on file in the nurse's office.  All medications must be delivered, in the original container, to the nurse by an adult. Students are not permitted to transport medication to and from school. All medication is kept in the nurse's office.  This includes over the counter medications and prescriptions.  The only exceptions are for medications that may be taken for life-threatening emergencies, if approved by the health care provider and parent.  Students are permitted to carry and use their own asthma inhalers and epinephrine injectors (Epi Pen and Auvi Q) only.  Please let the nurses know if your child is taking any medications at home. 
6th Grade Immunizations:  All incoming 6th grade students that have reached their 11th birthday are required by the State of New Jersey to receive the Tdap and meningococcal vaccines.  Medical documentation of vaccination is due prior to the first day of school. Students who turn 11 after the first day of school must provide proof of vaccination within two weeks of their 11th birthday.
***Medical documentation of vaccination is necessary to avoid exclusion from school***
Annual Screenings:  Screenings are conducted for height, weight, blood pressure, vision, hearing and scoliosis according to a schedule set by the State of New Jersey.
Physical Education Excuses, Crutches and Elevator Passes:  Students that require an excuse from physical education (gym) or an elevator pass should report to the nurse when they come to school. A note is required from the physician/ health care provider for crutches, orthopedic braces or any other medical appliance. Any child that reports to school with crutches without a medical note will be sent home
Thank you!  Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.   
Cristina Demone, RN  
Alicia Realmuto, RN  
Lauren Sumanski, RN 
732-521-6042 ext. 2004